(Console feuille d’or) Console française avec miroir en forme de feuille 90 x 115 x 45 x 105


-Luxurious console with mirror in the form of golden foliage, this product is one of our designs inspired by French civilization

-Manufactured by the most skilled craftsmen in the handmade industry

– This element is inspired by French palaces and old French classic art

– This product is a special design inspired by French art and antiquity

– Luxurious console with a cheerful and elegant mirror creates the feeling of being in an 18th century French chateau

– Size 90 x 115 x 45 x 105, natural wooden structure with the addition of all engraving works on wood, resin and mirrors 4 mm from the finest types of mirrors with high quality and environmentally friendly paints

(Console feuille d’or) Console française avec miroir en forme de feuille

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